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Inkjet printer works

Inkjet printer works
Inkjet printing technology in the application of plastic products
Today, identification technology application is gradually penetrate every corner, especially in industry application
More and more wide application, an increase in the complexity, making it possible to identify as various industry indispensable to the production of heavy
Component, plastic tubing, profiles, aluminum ( steel ) plastic composite pipe and other plastic material extrusion production is no exception.
Plastic materials manufacturers for their products to identify the reason mainly has following several aspects:
The first is to product identification. Plastic bag material extrusion products are more difficult to identify, because of the different production
Manufacturers, their products are often very similar look. Through a special marking on the product label, brand name and the
Vertical logo products in the competition in the talent showing itself, improve brand awareness.
The second is to product tracking records needs. Production factory home product batch number, shift or production
Date printed directly on products, as from the production stage until sent to wholesalers and retailers in a series of processes
Make each product are excellent traceability, greatly facilitate the enterprise quality management and product area
Domain management.
Another reason is the number of brand-name manufacturers often through the product identification prevention, suppression of fake.
The application of new technology makes the legitimate manufacturers could have been ahead of counterfeiters.
Finally, mark can increase the added value of products. In the eyes of many consumers to increase the product itself
Value, in the eyes of consumers, in the plastic pipe on the logo or name of manufacturer means a kind of bearing
Connaught, consumers often think it is a complete quality tracking, responsible for the quality of the products of the enterprise products.
The United States may be inkjet printer continuous ink jet coding machine for printing 1-20 mm small character. The ink spots in electromagnetic
Field offset, the small ink droplets onto a moving object form characters, icon or bar code. Thus continuous spray
Ink coding
Machine can be used for all supports multiple product code, and has a variety of color choices. In a variety of different
Material items labeled with production date, specifications, graphics etc.. These are required to have different process technology.
Because of the reliability, flexibility and user friendliness of the further development, continuous inkjet coding technology has become
As the world's most widely used industrial coding technology.
Continuous inkjet coding system flexibility is also shown in its full programmability. They can be a day from
Dynamic change of printing production date, and even can be used as a real time incremental computer. Not only that, it can also print the
Patterns and bar code. Through the use of various colors and different types of ink, can be in a variety of materials, such as paper,
Plastic, metal or glass printing out with good adhesion character.
Through the use of line speed control technology, Pen Maji under any conditions can achieve extremely high quality of jet printing.
A flight compensation software, used to ensure the printing information accurately, for varying the speed of the production line. Also
Some models suitable for high-dust environment operation ( applicator after full pressurized to prevent security guard
The dust in the air invasion).
Current, plastic extrusion material identification challenges are as follows:
The identification information quantity and the variability of the trend of increasing demand, fierce competition, more stringent requirements.
Quality program, the new user needs and the changing process and materials.
The composite and constantly draw more demanding work environment, high rate of extrusion, full of dust production environment
And the material itself, as well as on the sunshine and high temperature environment the ability to resist.
Apparently, inkjet coding technique is simple, high-quality identifies the best solution. And other identification
Technology, ink-jet technology flexibility embodied in information creating, editing and code etc.. In addition, the ink jet
Technology the advantages of simple operation and there is nothing comparable to this.
Inkjet printer works
Continuous jet and on-demand dripping type Pen Maji performance comparison
The application of inkjet printing technology
Today, identification technology application is gradually penetrate every corner, especially in industry more and more wide range of applications, the complexity of the application is greatly increased, making it possible to identify a variety of industry production is an important part in. Plastic pipe, profile, aluminum ( steel ) plastic composite pipe and other plastic material extrusion production is no exception. Plastic materials manufacturers for their products to identify the reason mainly has following several aspects:
1) in favor of product identification. Through a special marking on the product label, brand name and trademark and so on, can make the products in the competition in talent showing itself, improve brand awareness
2) product tracking records needs. Product batch number, production date, shift or directly printed on the products, which makes every piece of product are excellent traceability, greatly facilitate the enterprise quality management and product management.
3) to prevent counterfeit. Manufacturers often through the product identification prevention, suppression of fake, the application of new technology makes the legitimate manufacturers could have been ahead of counterfeiters.
4) increase the added value of products. In the plastic pipe on the logo or name of manufacturer means a commitment, consumers often think it is a complete quality tracking, responsible for the quality of the products of the enterprise products.
The inkjet printer selection
According to the inkjet printer works can be distinguished, spray it is divided into the following two categories:
1) cijp ( continue ink jet printer ) or CIJ type. Printer - in May
Its working principle: ink by pressure from a single nozzle spewing, through a crystal oscillation occurred after fracture formation of ink; ink through the charging, high voltage deflection in the movement of the object surface scanning a word.
Mostly used in imaging requires low, need high speed packaging market. Most industrial inkjet system using CIJ technology. The market can be inkjet printer to represent the CIJ printing equipment manufacturers to become the leader in the field.
The application of this technique, the stream of ink droplets to linear, and through a plate deflection generated image. Industrial CIJ system speed can reach 1000 feet per minute, much faster than the DOD, but the image quality is better than the application of DOD technology to low.
2) according to the need of dripping type inkjet printer ( drop on demand ) or DOD type. Shenzhen in May Pen Maji
Its principle of work : the head is composed of a plurality of high precision valve, in a word, word corresponding to the valve opening and closing rapidly, relying on internal constant pressure ink ejected, in the movement of the surface form of characters or graphics.
The new DOD nozzle, color on paper to more accurate outlets set forms, and traditional offset printing more approximate. Therefore the quality is one of the most important factors for four-color high precision printing, DOD is the most ideal choice, it can produce close to photographic quality effect. DOD printing speed in 100 to 300 feet per minute.
The two principles of Pen Maji performance comparison:
CIJ type inkjet printer
DOD type inkjet printer
The character height
Printing speed
Print 5 * 5 lattice soon, jet printing, graphics, 16 dot matrix Chinese characters to slow down.
Printing speed is not affected by the font dot matrix impact, up to 120m / min.
The concentration of ink
When the machine is running, the ink circulation use, ink density instability.
When the machine is running, the ink is not recycled, ink concentration be consistent from beginning to end.
Operation cost
Need to add a diluent, dilution liquid is continuously volatilized, resulting in waste.
Without the need of adding diluent, operating costs than the CIJ type low.
Ink supply system
The ink recycling system easy to dust moisture inhalation machine, impact machine normal work.
The ink does not need to reclaim, ink supply system with good seal, avoids ink pollution.
Failure rate
Ink dot required by the crystal oscillator, charging, high voltage deflection precision control, high failure rate.
Ink directly ejected, with pressure pump, precision of less parts, low fault rate.
Use case
Complex control system, the need for precision adjustment parameters to ensure normal use.
The control system is simple and reliable, simple operation and easy maintenance.
Environmental impact
Ink circulation process, large amounts of volatile organic solvents, smell, pollution of the environment.
The ink does not need to be recycled, no irritating smell, the impact on the environment of small.
Air supply
External gas supply, for pressure and high cleanliness requirements, air quality has a direct effect on the service life of the machine.
With low pressure air supply system, air pressure is stable, quality is clean, to ensure the normal operation of the machine.
Gear pump for ink jet machine, motor running at high speed for ventilation and heat dissipation, the sealing dust and moisture easy access to the interior of the machine.
Machine without large power device, can work without heat, equipment system confined good, not subject to the influence of work environment.
Gear pump is easy to wear, can not be repaired, only to replace, repair cost is high.
Machine no wearing parts, repair costs relative to CIJ type inkjet printer greatly reduced.
Pen Maji technical principle
" Jet coding" code, refers to many related technologies, we use these technology to make very small droplet of ink ejected from nozzles, ink droplets through the air, finally falls to the jet printing fabric printing pattern is formed on the surface of.
Valve type spray printing
This method is most easily realized, in the past 20 years, mainly used in packaging box printing application.
Basically, a valve jet printing device comprises a low voltage ink system, an electronic control box and a flexible catheter and chassis nozzle connected. The ink in the ink system through a simple opening / closing valves were delivered to the nozzle in the nozzle of a spray head ( generally 7 to 18 diameter 200 micron nozzle or more). When an ink droplet to be ejected, electronic components to open the corresponding opening / closing valve, ink droplets are ejected.
Because of the simple structure, the valve jet printing system is easy to establish. Customers generally by comparing the user interface (i.e., whether the operation is easy ), printing / printing diversity / quality and applied ink series to select suppliers.
Valve type spray printing printing quality is not stable. This is because the ink was fired stays in the nozzle, if the ink in the pipeline in dry, will produce an obstruction. System use water-based ink jet printing on the permeability of the surface when the best effect. Many valve jet printing system manufacturers to produce dry faster than the water-based ink impermeable surface ink, then it will happen when the obstruction, the drying time is still quite long, about 15 to 30 seconds.
In general, if the printing quality requirements are not high and regular cleaning nozzle, valve type spray printing system can perform well. Although the acquisition cost is low, but one or two years after the valve jet printing system using cost down are higher, so this technology has gradually been replaced by pulse jet printing technology. Pulse jet printing technology is mainly divided into two types: the piezoelectric inkjet printing and bubble jet printing - the two technologies vary greatly. Pulse jet printing nozzle from office printing field development - pulse type print now in office printing areas are widely accepted and have a very good effect.
Pulse jet printing
Although the pulse jet on the concept is simple, but it is worth noting that : until the nineteen seventies, it was initially obtained patents, and although canon, HP and other companies to do a lot of research, till 90 time, have a cheap and reliable products on the market. So the pulse jet printing does not like so simple, from the office in a fixed printing distance to clean paper printing to factories in the abominable environment in jet coding, there are a lot of things to do.
Piezoelectric inkjet printing
Pulse jet printing technology first appeared is the piezoelectric inkjet printing, say simply, the nozzle in the ink pressure must be low enough ( or negative ), because the surface tension of the ink ink will keep in the nozzle jet printing, need, a pulse voltage applied to a piezoelectric crystal, piezoelectric crystals to produce deformation, so that the nozzle ink cavity volume reduction. In this way, a drop of ink from the nozzle. Then, the piezoelectric crystal restitution, due to surface tension effects, the new ink into the nozzle. Through a number of nozzles are arranged side by side, can obtain the ideal printing width and resolution of the ( general 8-6 / mm ). Although through inclined nozzle (this will sacrifice print height) to increase the printing resolution, printing resolution radically or by the nozzle spacing is determined. More precision improvement can make each piezoelectric driven more by the nozzle ( for example 8 ), a 32 piezoelectric crystal can drive 256 nozzle ink, it will have greater range of jet printing, printing surface in only 32 programmable placement - egg inkjet printer.
Because the system is not continuous, ink in the nozzle for fluid must be maintained, while being sprayed printed on the surface to dry. The piezoelectric inkjet printing using the ink is usually oil or paraffin base, this two kinds of ink in the nozzle will not dry, but can be sprayed printed surface of piezoelectric absorption. Jet printing also use quick-drying ink, printing ink still need quite a long time ( about 10 seconds ) will become dry. When the product is in need for rapid processing and spray finishing prohibition stained, use of quick-drying ink can create problems. In order to avoid ink in the nozzle is dry, we can in the piezoelectric crystal plus a lower voltage pulses, so that it will be on the ink in the nozzle produces a slight disturbance, the nozzle of ink is not dry. This method relies on the ink composition changes or mechanically more precision improvement.
Another implementation of piezoelectric jet printing method is heating spray head, at the same time using a hot melt ink in the nozzle. Thus, maintaining fluid ink jet printing in the cooler is on the surface of an object will be cured. The piezoelectric inkjet printing system in many printing on both surfaces, can get good effect, but in touch easily in the process of being scraped. In addition to the ink in the nozzle will dry out, the other
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