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Wanted dealers and agents throughout the country Inkjet Printer

America encore company is from outside the enterprise and national professional co-founded a joint venture enterprise, founded in 2001. Relying on the resources of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and efficient complementary advantages, from its inception has been the use of patented technology imported from abroad, and Shenzhen, superior resources, research and development production and marketing of a new generation of ink jet equipment, and variable printing equipment, such as the second-generation high-definition degree inkjet printer, it has a simple structure, on-demand printing, without adding diluent, its high resolution, in addition to print a variety of text fonts, it can also print a simple symbol and a two-dimensional section yards. Variable printing equipment in the printing processes with the individual bar code printing, so that printing the contents of a variable. In addition the company has been continuously improving and producing lattice-type inkjet printer, the latest developed high-speed image recognition system can be used in the production process of product quality testing, etc. work.
     After 8 years of rapid development, has now become the most powerful large-scale professional inkjet printer and ancillary equipment manufacturers. The company is composed of three parts. The plains of the dragon in Shenzhen Longgang Industrial Park plant, is responsible for inkjet printer processing, engineering package and spare parts storage, etc.; located in Bantian, Longgang Sesson the display, sales headquarters, is responsible for inkjet printer marketing, sales and after-sales service; Students Pioneer Park is located in the R & D center is responsible for format inkjet printer and imported spare parts and consumables for R & D and procurement.

      Since the founding of our company, has been carrying out to go hi-tech products and services in the public thought, the past few years has made remarkable achievements. Company based on good faith as a fundamental, adherence to the "user first", "quality first" principle, in order to provide an entry point to the customer solution, using high-tech, high-quality products for domestic and foreign customers to provide quality services

A huge market potential across the country, there is excellent scope for development. We welcome the struggling industry in good faith to join together in cooperation. Distribution conditions are very simple, if you are interested, come forward to contact us, we will provide further information.
电话:0755-83217536  83223539  89395536  89395539   传真:0755-89395539
地址:深圳市坂田上雪德宝利工业园C栋4楼   邮编:518109
深圳市美安可自动化设备有限公司  版权所有 粤ICP备11096927号 
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