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Lattice plane with the America encore inkjet printer to use cost comparison

A printing press to undertake a long flat-tech high-quality rice seed production and printing bags single, because the current market, the fraud is more prevalent, not only for manufacturers and farmers, a friend brought huge economic losses, while giving the image a negative impact on product markets. So from the market point of view, simple, efficient, low-cost anti-counterfeiting is an urgent request, and only the corresponding control bar is one of the most convenient solution to one of the options.
     At present the Chinese market can be a variable bar code printing equipment for foreign products are not only expensive and cumbersome to maintain them. Our time after nearly two years and six months of field research, optimization and tuning, the MAC 32 +-type based on the successful launch of the focus on real-time variable bar code printing as the core technology MAC1200-based Coding equipment. Performance and abroad, the same equipment, well-matched, and even in some respects superior to them, but the price and the maintenance advantage is very obvious.

America encore high-resolution pulse through the print engine inkjet printer ink spots pulses emitted by control program requirements. Control circuit with the Mexican road entirely separate, and the Mexican road is always full of ink nozzle body, which is equivalent industrial inkjet printing machines used in a computer or a computer ink-jet printer, the performance is extremely reliable and virtually maintenance-free.

1. Without the use of solvent-ink viscosity adjustment to ensure the drop charge value;

2. Saves non-stop loop filter filters the ink costs;

3. No need to gear pump to the ink pressure, non-stop operation of the pump wear is also used by the costs.

Inkjet Printer Type
  A-lattice machine
  B-type lattice machine
  America encore high-resolution inkjet printer
  0.825L/600 yuan (black)

0.825L/1200 yuan (white)
  1L/1000 yuan (black)

1L/1900 yuan (white)
  250ML/550 yuan (black)

250ML/1100 yuan (white)
Number of words and ink jet printing costs
  066 million / 1L (Black)
  110 million / 1L
  200 million / 1L / 4 bottle
  0.825L/495 yuan
  1L/350 yuan
  500ML/300 yuan
Consumption of solvent per hour
Master Filter
  500 yuan / month 2,000 hours
  1900 yuan / month 2,000 hours
  150 yuan / month 1 year
Ink line filters
  1000 yuan / month 8000 hours
  1900 yuan / month 2,000 hours
Main ink tank
  1,500 yuan / month 600 hours
  1900 yuan / month 2,000 hours
  50 yuan / month 1 year
Gear Pump Depreciation
  10,000 yuan (Black Ink) / 3 years

12,000 yuan (white ink) / 6 months
  10,000 yuan (Black Ink) / 3 years

12,000 yuan (white ink) / 6 months
Assumed inkjet printer work 260 days a year, start 8 hours a day, then the total work 2080 hours, the hourly production of 6,000 products, each product as high as 2 meters high print 10 black characters (2006/06/18).
Solvent consumption
  21 liters a total of 12.87 thousand yuan
  21 liters a total of 7350 yuan
Consumption of the main ink tank
  4 A total of 6,000 yuan
Ink Consumption
  2 liters of a total of 1,200 yuan
  1 liter of a total of 1,000 yuan
  A total of four bottles of 2200 yuan
Master Filter
  1 500
  A set of 1900 yuan
Gear Pump Depreciation
Total supplies for one year
  23.57 thousand yuan
  13.25 thousand yuan
  2,400 yuan

Note: The United States and Encore Series inkjet printer consumable cost calculation method

US Encore Series inkjet printer to use only ink without solvent, ink bottle price of 490 yuan, a bottle of ink can be sprayed 10 million 2-mm high-five characters.

They spray each character costs: 550 ÷ 50000000 = 0.000011 yuan character / characters

         If each product sprayed 10 characters: 0.000011 yuan / characters × 10 characters = 0.00011 yuan / product

That is the ink jet 100 product fee is 0.011 yuan. If the production of product 2 million dollars per month, then the ink cost of two million products × 0.00011 yuan / product = 220 yuan. That is, production of two million products every month with less than a bottle of ink.

        Another cost of cleaning agents and maintenance sprinklers every day, normal conditions (continuous production) only 1 / 5 bottle around, cleaning agent sells for 300 yuan / bottle that cost only 300x0.2 yuan a month +220 yuan +50 yuan (losses) = 330 yuan.
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